Welcome to BLS Art Department

This blog is devoted to the Art students of Beaumont Leys School and features some of the fantastic work they produce.

Monday 25 October 2010

Year 7 Final Pieces - Opie style self portraits

We are really proud of the final pieces produced by year 7 in response to studying the portraits of Julian Opie.


Saturday 2 October 2010

Yr 7 - Julian Opie style portraits

Year 7 have taken their first steps towards creating their final piece which will be a Julian Opie style self portrait in colour using collage. Below you can see some of their first self portraits in this style.



Friday 1 October 2010

Year 8 - Shoe project

Year 8 have been working on observational drawings of shoes which they have tried to make look realistic by including lots of detail and shading. They then developed this work into a poly-block print.